How Do You Encourage Clients to Eat More Leafy Greens?


    How Do You Encourage Clients to Eat More Leafy Greens?

    From the expert advice of a Dietitian on disguising greens in meals to the simple yet effective suggestion of using lettuce as a bread substitute, we've gathered a variety of strategies to help clients pack more leafy greens into their diet. Alongside professional tips, we've included additional answers that offer practical and creative ways to boost green intake. Explore these seven insightful strategies to encourage a love for the nutritious power of leafy greens.

    • Disguise Greens in Meals
    • Make Salads Appealing and Tasty
    • Incorporate Greens into Familiar Dishes
    • Introduce Kale Chips as Snacks
    • Suggest Lettuce as Bread Substitute
    • Blend Greens into Soups
    • Enhance Sandwiches with Arugula

    Disguise Greens in Meals

    One effective way of adding greens is by disguising them in meals. Foods like spinach are great as part of smoothies or pasta dishes. Spinach can be easily blended or mixed into these foods without even noticing it's there. Smoothies, especially, are a great way to disguise these foods.

    Daniel Murphy
    Daniel MurphyDietitian, Apex Nutrition

    Make Salads Appealing and Tasty

    As a health and wellness coach for over 25 years, I've found the easiest way to get clients eating more leafy greens is by making salads visually appealing and tasty. When greens look fresh and delicious, people naturally want to eat them.

    I often suggest simple add-ins to boost nutrition and make salads exciting, like berries, nuts, seeds, beans, and a light vinaigrette. For example, one client started adding strawberries, feta cheese, and a balsamic vinaigrette to her usual spinach salad. After seeing how much tastier her salad became, she now eats it several times a week.

    Another tip is to chop greens into bite-sized pieces. Whole leaves can seem unappetizing, while chopped greens are easier to eat and more satisfying. One client used to push whole kale leaves around her plate, but now that I've shown her how to properly chop the leaves, kale has become her favorite base for salads and bowls.

    The key is finding ways to make leafy greens delicious and habit-forming. When people find out how good greens can taste, they become much more motivated to eat them often. Small changes to presentation and adding flavor have helped many of my clients make leafy greens a staple part of their diet.

    Valerie Maclin
    Valerie MaclinOwner, Smaller U Weightloss

    Incorporate Greens into Familiar Dishes

    A creative way to get clients interested in leafy greens is by incorporating them into familiar dishes, such as dips. Spinach can be used to create a rich, creamy texture in a dip, which can be paired with whole-grain crackers or vegetable sticks. Additionally, reimagining pesto with a spinach base adjusts classic recipes into more green-rich variants—this presents an inviting option for those hesitant about trying leafy greens.

    These dips highlight the versatility of spinach, allowing it to become a staple ingredient in everyday eating. Offer a taste of these innovative creations to tempt your clients into incorporating more greens into their diets.

    Introduce Kale Chips as Snacks

    Kale chips are an exceptional alternative to traditional snack options, providing both crunch and nutrients. By baking or air-frying kale with a touch of seasoning, it can transform into a crispy treat that rivals the satisfaction of processed snacks. This could be particularly effective for those craving something savory between meals.

    Moreover, the wholesome image of 'kale chips' can appeal to health-conscious consumers seeking better snacking options. Introduce your clients to this snack and encourage them to embrace this tasty step toward healthier eating habits.

    Suggest Lettuce as Bread Substitute

    Utilizing lettuce as a substitute for bread provides a light, crunchy alternative for wraps and sandwiches. This simple swap significantly reduces the carbohydrate content of the meal while increasing its nutritional value, making it an excellent strategy for clients looking to cut back on bread consumption. Lettuce wraps can be filled with a variety of proteins and vegetables, creating a fresh, satisfying meal without the heaviness of bread.

    This approach aligns well with low-carb dietary trends, potentially increasing its appeal to clients. Present the idea of lettuce wraps at your next meeting and watch as your clients begin to reinvent their favorite sandwiches.

    Blend Greens into Soups

    Blending leafy greens into soups is a seamless technique for boosting their nutritional content without compromising flavor. Pureeing greens like spinach, kale, or Swiss chard into soups blends their taste with the overall flavor profile of the dish, making them less intimidating for those who might be averse to their taste. Such soups can serve as comforting, hearty meals during colder seasons or a refreshing gazpacho in the warmer months.

    With the right blend of herbs and spices, green soups can become a client favorite. Suggest preparing a batch of nutrient-rich green soup to clients eager to elevate their culinary game.

    Enhance Sandwiches with Arugula

    Arugula's distinct peppery flavor makes it an exciting addition to sandwiches, where it can enhance the overall taste experience. Instead of defaulting to lettuce, the boldness of arugula can complement both vegetarian and meat-filled sandwiches, offering a flavor that stands out. This leafy green also contains several beneficial nutrients, making the sandwich a more healthful option.

    It can serve as a conversation starter about the importance of diversity in one's diet. Encourage clients to sample arugula in their next sandwich for a simple yet effective change in their meal routine.